Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Coffee "Taksedap"

Your Coffee Taksedap (not good)!

I've been to Dato K’s home or apartment. We've fried nugget, had a few laughs and a good time. Its getting a little late, and a little caffeine would be good for the ride home.

Here's the PROBLEM: Your coffee taksedap. That's right, I said it: You do not know how to brew a good cup of coffee Dato K??

You suffer (actually, I'm the one who suffers) from one of four likely problems. Lucky for you, opinionated bastards like me are here on the 'net to give you good advice you didn't even know you needed:

1) You Use Crappy Coffee. Forget instant, that's not even under consideration. Store bought, no name, canned ground coffee is at its best, mediocre. If you buy a good French Roast, and use 5 to 6 heaping scoopfuls (not spoonfuls, but those little plastic scoopers), you get a halfway decent brew.

But most people don't. They buy whatever lame ass coffee is on sale that week, and then they use miserly portions.

2) Your Coffeemaker Sucks
That's right, its a piece of shit: It brews too fast, and it doesn't make the coffee hot enough.

A good brewer will slowly let the water drip into the basket, allowing the natural oils, flavor and aroma of the beans to come out. Ahhhhh, can you smell that? Hmmmmm.
Ideally, your brewer will use fresh filtered water, crank up the heat, and then have the warmer turn off quickly -- otherwise, it will burn the brew.

By the way, when was the last time you cleaned that stanky coffeemaker of yours? You can buy commercial products, or just run a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water. Clean it every six months or so.

3) Your Coffee Was Ground Ages Ago
Forget the stuff in the can. I'm talking to the people who buy beans, ground them up immediately, and then put them in a jar in the fridge for months. That starts the gradual loss of flavor and aroma immediately. (Why even buy beans?)

You want beans, and you want them ground as close to the brewing process as possible.

4) Your Tap Water is Nasty
Depending upon where you live, your tap water ranges from tasty to industrial run off to chemical contaminants to carcinogenic.(Malaysia; especially at K. Valley muhahahha)
I have a friend who can sell you water filter.
Cancer flavored coffee tends to taste bad.
OK now you know why your coffee TAKSEDAP Dato K!!!

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