Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Point of View

My aim is to offer a positive view of the world, related through the people I’ve met, the places I’ve been, and the lessons I’ve learned.This blog is dedicated to the people who continue to find the good things in life: the people who enjoy life to its fullest, those who make a difference, and those who continue to stand up no matter how many times they are pushed down. These are my heroes. For them, I offer my humble views on life and all the wonderful things that comprise it. The internet is home to some great people who have embraced the new frontier and provide valuable or interesting information, usually for free. Although some operators request payment for an expanded newsletter, access to their archives, early releases, posting ability, ad-free content, or simply because they hope you will find worth in what they provide, the cost sometimes only covers their expenses and provides them with an incentive to continue. When you find a free web site or newsletter or blog that you particularly enjoy, definitely consider becoming a full member and making their efforts worthwhile.

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